Oh Annieokely ! If I were to be fortunate enough to meet you on that beach, would you invite me back to your home for a pussy lunch ? I can't imagine anything more erotic and pleasurable ! I would want you to drown me in your fragrant cunt juices and allow my adventurous tongue to gain access to your succulent anus. And for refreshment would you consider urinating gently into my thirsty mouth so that I can quench my thirst with your delicious golden vintage.? Please, I BEG you Annie ! I'm hopelessly cunt-struck over you, my darling. That exquisite pussy of yours looks good enough to lick and kiss and suck and smooch passionately until your juices begin flowing and may be you'd grind your delicious pussy into my nose and mouth and smear my face in your squishy cunt juice.Pretty please ! Xx. Mmmmm.WOW! I love to have you on my face giving me my lunch. Your lunches are always so delicious. Oh yes, I'd like to sample those sweet juices with you grinding on my tongue just like that. Would love to have you on my face. Hubby can watch as I make you cum over and over. Damn you are hot! I'd like to let my tongue explore all of your amazing body!
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